Make Health Simple

Join my 1:1 coaching and together we can


This twelve-week program is designed to help you get back to the basics. Being healthy should be simple, not complicated. Because each of us has our own specific needs and health concerns we want to work on, this coaching will be tailored to YOU. Whether you’re struggling with hormone and period issues, stress, low energy levels, poor sleep, or just overall want to improve your health and wellness, this program is for you.

The program includes:

  • One 45 minute session with me each week (in person or virtual) for a total of 12 sessions

  • A personalized action plan based on your goals and needs

  • Email or text check-ins between sessions

  • A guided journal to work through during our twelve weeks together, created by me!

During our twelve weeks together, we’ll work on your action steps, which we’ll decide on together during your first session. At the end of the twelve weeks, my hope is that you feel excited about the direction your health is heading. My goal is to give you the tools and guidance you need to not only feel knowledgeable about how different foods or lifestyle habits impact your specific body, but also to continue making positive health decisions on your own.

Book a FREE session!

If you’re interested in hiring me as your coach or want to learn more about the program, book a free consultation session! This session will be 45 minutes and there is no commitment required. You can schedule one here. You can also reach out to me directly if you have any questions.

Once your free session is booked, I’ll send you a short questionnaire to fill out prior to the session.


This twelve-week program is $595 when you pay in full.

You can also make two payments of $340. The first payment must be received before the first session, and the second payment must be received before the sixth session.


  • I am a certified Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition! I completed my six month training course in 2023.

  • While I will provide ample guidance on food and exercise choices that may be right for you, I am not a certified nutritionist or a fitness instructor. Therefore, full nutrition plans and exercise regiments are not included in this program.

  • No! While I don’t like to focus on weight loss as a goal, it is often a happy side effect of other health promoting behaviors and habits we’ll work on together. If weight loss is a specific goal of yours, we can work together to approach that in a way that is nourishing and supportive.

  • Yes! If you’d rather not make the full payment at once, you can pay in two parts. If that’s still not feasible for you but you really want to work together, please reach out and ask about additional options!

  • When our 12 weeks together are up, you’ll have the option to renew for another 12 weeks, this time at a 10% discount! In the future I also plan to add a VIP coaching program, which will include more frequent sessions and additional benefits.