I’ve never felt passionate about only one thing.

I studied Interior Design in college, and only lasted 3 years in the industry after I graduated. I knew I wanted to do more, to do something different, I just wasn’t sure what. I’d always wanted to write, I’d always enjoyed painting, but I had little to no faith that those could be anything more than hobbies. Trying to do those hobbies on top of a full-time job was a struggle for me, as I know it is for many people.

In January 2020, I quit my job.

I had no idea what I was going to do, or how I was going to make money, or what my next career move would be, but I didn’t care. I was living in Los Angeles at the time, which was another source of unhappiness in my life, so I packed up and moved back home to my parents’ house. The next few months I really, truly rested for the first time in I don’t even know how long. It was exactly what I needed, and I know I’m so fortunate to have been able to do that. Coincidentally, this time of rest also aligned with the start of the pandemic and lockdowns, which made it feel a little more ‘acceptable’ and less like I was just being lazy or not wanting to find a new job. Once I finally started to feel the urge to do something, I started to think about all of the different projects and ideas and passions I had put on hold in my life. The biggest one was writing, so I started there.

In 2021, I published my first novel.

It’s titled I Remember, and it’s a short fiction novel inspired by my parents decision to sell my childhood home. I can’t begin to describe how incredible it felt to finish writing a book that I’d been thinking about for years. And really, writing a book is something I’ve wanted to do since around the second grade. Even thinking about it now, about how incredible it feels that I actually accomplished that goal, I start to get emotional. I decided that I was going to self-publish it, because I wanted to get it out into the world right away, and I didn’t want someone else telling me how I needed to change it. I may try to traditionally publish books I write in the future, but for this first labor of love I wanted it to be all mine.

During this time I also started painting and drawing digital art. To my surprise, I started selling it! First to friends and family and then to strangers on the internet. I opened an Etsy store and started a Society6 page. People even commissioned me to do what I call a self-love portrait, which is an abstract nude painting based on a photograph of themselves. I love that I’ve helped so many women take steps toward appreciating and accepting their bodies as they are. I even turned some of my line drawings of the female form into an adult coloring book dedicated to self-love and body acceptance. Last year I had my first painting accepted into a gallery, and I’ve sold art at several local art markets. It’s something I plan to always continue, and you can now shop my art right here on my website!

Some of you who have been following my journey for a while will remember that I also tried to blog for a bit during this creative exploration period, but I quickly realized it was not for me. I won’t go into the details of why, but many parts of the blogging lifestyle just didn’t feel authentic to me. However, you might notice that there is a (mostly empty) blog on my website again now! That’s because I want to start writing about my latest endeavor which is…

Health Coaching!

In the last few years, and especially in the last year, I’ve become increasingly passionate and excited about health and wellness. I’ve been on my own health journey, which is of course a large part of why I feel so strongly about wanting to help others.

I also feel like there’s a lot of confusion and misinformation about what it really takes to be healthy. I’ve spent a lot of time in the last few years learning, reading, researching, witnessing how my own body reacts to different diet and lifestyle choices, and now I want to simplify that for people. I want to reassure them that getting healthy doesn’t have to involve fad diets and restriction and over-exercising. I want women to know that their periods don’t have to be miserable and debilitating. I want people to feel more knowledgeable about what’s in their food and empowered to make decisions that serve their health in both the long and short term.

This year I took a 6-month course through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and became an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach! With this training finished, I’m so excited to start working with clients and guiding them towards more health and happiness.

It feels like everything I’ve gone through over the last five (or more) years has led me to this. There has always been a part of me that has been drawn to professions like coaching and teaching, and it took me experiencing my own health struggles to find the path I needed to be on.

If you’re interested in learning more about what working with me looks like, you can find that here or schedule a free consultation!